Pueraria mirifica, (Only for Women), 100 capsules
Pueraria mirifica (only for women) grows solely in Thailand. Treatments with high doses of this Phytohormone (Miroestrol) induce a significant enlargement, firming and lifting of the breasts. Pueraria prevents cancer and protects against heart attack and blood vessel diseases. Effective in treating irregular and painful menstruation, mood swings, pre-menstrual disorders, loss of sexual desire, disturbances during climacteric period (sweating and hot flashes), hormone induced skin problems as acne, premature aging, early grey hair, hair loss and wrinkling. Pueraria has also a rejuvenating, harmonising and mood-elevating effect in elderly women and prevents Alzheimer.
Dosage: 3 to 6 capsules per day, starting with the first day of menstruation. Follow this cure for 3 months, then pause for 1 month and resume the treatment accordingly. Pueraria is also as a supportive treatment in form of cream/oil available. For an integrated rejuvenating therapy is a simultaneous administration of Gingko biloba and Panax Ginseng recommended.
Contraindications: Not recommended for cancer patients (despite no findings). Allergic reactions are rare. Avoid the simultaneous intake of alcohol.
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