Butea superba (Only for Men) 100 capsules
Butea superba (only for man) grows only in Thailand. With men’s increasing age virility and sexual desire is dwindling. Reduced physical performance, declining muscle mass and increased body fat content is age-related as well.
Countering these facts of life, occurring sooner or later with almost all men, the intake of the Butea root is highly effective. The regular intake of the root influences positively skin, non-greying hair, growth of hair and hair loss. A more youthful look is the result. Intake in high doses can restore virility but also in low doses, regularly taken, virility can be maintained for long having a fountain-of-youth effect. All these effects are based on natural hormone-like substances (similar to men’s testosterone). Butea is not only a proven remedy passed down for generations but also verified in it’s efficacy through scientific research.
Dosage: Therapy Testosterone level increase = 6 capsules/day ; maintenance dose = 3 capsules a day; .
There is no fear of normal overdosing. After periods of three months each pause for a month! For a general regeneration and rejuvenation of the whole body a simultaneous intake of Gingko biloba and Panax Ginseng is recommended.
Contraindications: As a precaution no taking for cancer patients (despite no findings).
Avoid the simultaneous intake of alcohol.
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